A reflection on Civil Procedure Rules - Lord Woolf

Image related to A reflection on Civil Procedure Rules - Lord Woolf

On Friday 8 November 2019, Bond Solon held the Twenty Fifth Bond Solon Expert Witness Conference in Westminster. Demand for the conference was particularly high leading to a fully booked conference with nearly 500 expert witnesses attending and over 50 expert witnesses on the waiting list.

We were privileged to haveĀ Lord Woolf, one of the most eminent members of the judiciary of the past 50 years, as a speaker.

Lord Woolf offered us a unique reflection on the successes and limitations of the Civil Procedure Rules.

The conference will return to Westminster on Friday 6 November 2020. For details and to book your place pleaseĀ visit our conference webpage

We recommend you book now as nearly 150 places have already been taken.