Course Outline:
Failure to treat employees fairly and to carry out reasonable employment investigations may result in claims for wrongful dismissal, unfair dismissal or discrimination.
This course will help ensure employment investigations in relation to both grievance and disciplinary processes are compliant with legislation and meet best practice in accordance with the Acas Code. The course will explore the contractual terms and key clauses relevant to employment law investigations, how to analyse the potential for claims in a given case. The course is designed to assist in the assessment of whether an employer has conducted an investigation in accordance with the law, relevant guidance and codes.
Key Learning Outcomes:
Analysing the main contractual and statutory claims that an employee can make
Interpreting the relevant express and implied terms and considering gross and serious misconduct
Understanding the legal framework for adequate employment investigations to avoid a successful unfair dismissal claim in both conduct and capability investigations
Considering and evaluating discrimination claims
Exploring potential issues and pitfalls which may arise when investigations are conducted
Complying with data protection, equality and human rights laws, and the Acas Code
Course Details:
- Duration: 2 days
- Public course format and fee: Virtual | £590 + VAT
- In-house course format and fee: Virtual or face-to-face | Call for details
- Qualification: Part of the Advanced Certificate in Investigative Practice (APCIP)
Book below if you want to attend a public course. Please call 020 7549 2549 or email info@bondsolon.com to discuss or book an in-house course.