Course Outline:
This one-day course is designed for psychiatric healthcare professionals who need familiarisation with the necessary skills to give a confident account under questioning or cross-examination.
Giving evidence in contested Mental Health Tribunals and Hospital Managers’ Meetings can be a daunting experience. Many psychiatric healthcare professionals can find themselves and their evidence being subjected to enormous scrutiny, by members of the panel and the patient’s solicitor.
This highly practical training session is designed to ensure that psychiatric healthcare professionals undergo a process of familiarisation - to equip them with the necessary skills to give a confident account under questioning or cross-examination.
The day is split into two halves. The morning looks at the theory of giving evidence and is designed to demystify the whole process. You will explore the various techniques lawyers use to discredit healthcare professionals in cross-examination, and how to withstand them and remain in control.
In the afternoon, we set up a mock Mental Health Tribunal in which you will be cross examined by an experienced lawyer-trainer, putting into practice what you have learnt.
Key Learning Outcomes:
- Understand the inquisitorial process employed by Mental Health Tribunals and Hospital Managers’ Meetings and the legal tests which they must employ in every case
- Identify the procedures, order of events, and roles and responsibilities of those involved
- Prepare how to give evidence to best practice standards
- Demonstrate how to make appropriate use of supporting evidence, documents and records while under cross-examination
Course Details:
- Duration and CPD: 1 day | 6 hours
- In-house course format and fee: Virtual or face-to-face | Call for details
Please call 020 7549 2549 or email info@bondsolon.com to discuss or book an in-house course.