Course Outline:
This one-day course aimed at social workers and approved mental health professionals clarifies the powers available to clinical and community teams and helps identify which patients would and would not benefit from a CTO.
Community Treatment Orders were first introduced in 2007, but an amendment made to the Mental Health Act 1983. They have had a significant impact on the way psychiatric patients are discharged from hospital and treated in the community. They are highly controversial, with many patients and professionals having strong views over their use and length. It is clear though, that even when the Mental Health Act 1983 is reformed, CTOs will remain with us, albeit in a slightly altered form.
Properly imposing a CTO requires a fundamental understanding of the key principles of the Mental Health Act 1983, the purpose of CTOs, their scope, the extent to which aftercare must be planned and monitored, as well as clear communication with the patient through the lifetime of the CTO.
- Clarifies the powers available to clinical and community teams
- Considers which patients are and are not eligible for a CTO
- Reviews the legislation and guidelines detailing patients who would and would not benefit from a CTO
- Discusses factors which suggest longer term leave might be more appropriate
- Consider the interaction between CTOs and Guardianship, especially for Children and Young People
- Examines the interaction between CTOs and the Mental Capacity Act 2005, including when DoLS should be applied for
- Contemplates the extent to which treatment can be imposed both in the community and on recall
Key Learning Outcomes:
- Describe the purpose of a Community Treatment Order
- Explain who should, and should not, be considered for a Community Treatment Order
- Identify the CTO criteria
- Apply the provisions of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 to a patient either on, or about to go on, a CTO
- Summarise the issues to consider and procedures to follow when revoking a CTO
- Through the use of a case study, design CTO conditions, associated packages of care, capacity assessments and best interest assessments
Course Details:
- Duration and CPD: 1 day | 6 hours
- In-house course format and fee: Virtual or face-to-face | Call for details
Please call 020 7549 2549 or email info@bondsolon.com to discuss or book an in-house course.