Course Outline:
This intensive refresher course is designed to ensure BIAs have the most up-to-date knowledge, skills and competence to correctly interpret and apply legislation and guidance to best practice standards.
The BIA Legal Update training package consists of six modules and includes videos and activities to carry out. The training has been designed to reinforce learning by helping you consider how you will apply what you have learnt to your work.
The course will help you continue to develop the skills necessary to obtain, evaluate and analyse complex evidence and differing views. You will learn how to weigh them appropriately in decision making. The course will help you meet your statutory duties and allow you to continue to practice as a BIA.
Accompanying Materials:
- The course is accompanied by an exercise workbook including useful links
- On completion of all six modules, the exercises, and the feedback form, you will be able to download your certificate of completion
Key Learning Outcomes:
- With the shelving of the LPS what now?
- Human Rights and the Interface with the MCA in light of BNK
- Court of Protection and 21A applications
- DOLS Statistics and BIA online Survey
- Fluctuating Capacity – in light of LA v PG & Ors (2023) EWCOP 9
- How to satisfy Article 5 (1) (e) – evidence of unsound mind in light of Stockport MBC v KB (2023) EWCOP 58
Course Details:
- Duration: 6 hours
- Public course format and fee: Online | £145 + VAT
- In-house course format and fee: Online | Call for details
Book below if you want to attend a public course. Please call 020 7549 2549 or email info@bondsolon.com to discuss or book an in-house course.