On 6 November we asked experts attending our Expert Witness Conference to complete the annual survey. 191 delegates, just over half of those attending, responded. View the full results.
The highlights:
- Nearly half the experts reported an increase in the number of instructions received over the past 12 months. This trend goes against the intention of the courts to limit expert evidence to speed proceedings and reduce costs.
- Rates for civil experts are some 50% higher than in criminal matters.
- Experts do not appear to think they have a sell by date.
- Most experts would like some form of mandatory accreditation to improve standards however this is expensive to implement.
- Most experts do not like the idea of randomised selection of experts as has been started by MedCo in whiplash cases (www.medco.org.uk)
- Still a large proportion of experts have had bad experiences that have led them to refuse to work with certain people
If you have any comments to add, please leave them below.
For previous Bond Solon expert witness surveys:
Expert Witness Survey 2014
Expert Witness Survey 2013
Expert Witness Survey 2012
Expert Witness Survey 2011
Expert Witness Survey 2010