Registration and Exhibition Area Opens
Opening and Welcome
Mark Solon, Bond Solon Founder
Addressing Issues of Instructing Solicitors’ Unethical Conduct
Paul Philip, Chief Executive, Solicitors Regulation Authority
Results from various Bond Solon surveys have highlighted perennial issues that experts face when dealing with some instructing solicitors, such as pressure to produce a favourable opinion and late or non-payment of fees. Paul Philip will explain what the SRA does and in what circumstances and at what stage the SRA can help expert witnesses.
Experts: Independence and Duty
Sam Townend KC, The Chair of the Bar, Bar Council
The new Bar Council Chair will discuss the relationship that experts and barristers have and how they can work more effectively together. Sam will define what good bar conduct looks like, as well as clarifying what barristers require from an expert in order to have a productive working relationship.
Refreshments, exhibition and networking
Annual Legal Update
Nick Deal, Barrister and senior expert witness trainer with Bond Solon
This session is most valuable for all experts as it will summarise all the important and relevant case law, legislation, and practice changes over the past year. Knowledge of any changes is needed to ensure that your work as an expert is done properly to avoid potential liability and ensure best practice.
Plenary Topic TBC
Speaker TBC
Lunch, exhibition and networking
Parallel Session: Commercial
Lucinda Orr, Enyo Law LLP Partner
Highly experienced litigator, Lucinda Orr, provides an update on the current state of expert evidence for expert witnesses involved in commercial cases. Lucinda has substantial experience of complex, high value cross-border litigation and long trials.
Parallel Session: Criminal
Melanie Simpson KC, Doughty Street
Tony Saggers, former Head of Expert Evidence, Serious Organised Crime Agency and National Crime Agency
This jointly run session will provide updates on issues, emerging trends and best practice for expert witnesses involved in criminal cases, from both the defence and prosecution perspective.
Parallel Session: Family
Kate Branigan KC, 4PB
Get up to speed on the latest developments in family law and procedure with Kate Branigan, who specialises in serious and complex children cases both public and private law.
Parallel Session: Medico-Legal
Katie Gollop KC, Serjeants' Inn Chambers
Medical and healthcare experts will gain valuable insightsfrom a leading healthcare lawyer, whose services are widely sought after by both claimants and defendants. Katie is an experienced advocate who represents clients in the Court of Protection, professional discipline tribunals and in high profile inquests and public inquiries.
Refreshments, exhibition and networking
Detailed Assessment of Costs for Expert Witnesses
Chris Butler, Consultant Senior Costs Lawyer, Kain Knight (City) Ltd
This session deals with a subject many experts are interested in - money. Chris Butler is a Senior Costs Lawyer with decades of experience in how to ensure that lawyers and experts are paid properly for their work. He will explain how to budget, how to record the time spent on a matter and how to justify what to charge.
The Discussion: Experts are from Mars and Solicitors from Venus. Can their Relationship Ever be Harmonious?
Julian Acratopulo, Head of the International Commercial Litigation Group, Clifford Chance
Haydn Kelly, Consultant Podiatrist and International Expert Witness
The debate between a solicitor and an expert will address common issues and disconnects that arise at each stage of litigation when the two parties work together. We will be inviting audience participation, as we wish to hear from delegates as to the issues they have experienced when working with instructing solicitors. Chaired by Mark Solon, the aim of this session is to resolve some of these issues and offer practical guidance to help improve your future working relationships with instructing solicitors.
Closing Comments
Mark Solon, Bond Solon Founder